Your order is free from the second product.

Welcome to our FAQ section!

Do you have any questions? - We have the answers!

Our FAQ section is designed to provide you with the information you need quickly and efficiently. Whether you are looking for more information about our products, services or general information, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions from our customers.

If you can't find the answer to your question, please don't hesitate to contact us directly. We are here to help you!


Below are some common questions about our products

How do I find the right product for my needs?

Utilize our detailed product descriptions to find the product that best suits your needs. If you have further questions, please contact our customer service.

Do you also offer consultation?

Yes, we offer individual consultation. Please contact our customer service for this, they will be happy to advise you personally and recommend suitable products. You can reach us via our contact box or send us an email at

How can I be sure that your products are of high quality?

Our products undergo strict quality control to ensure the highest standards. As one of the largest and most reputable manufacturers, we specialize in the natural and sustainable production of products from the Artemisia annua plant.

Ordering and Payment

Below you will find some frequently asked questions about our orders and payment

How can I place an order?

You can place your order directly through our online shop. Simply visit our website, select the products you want, and follow the ordering process.

Is it possible to pick up my order at a store?

Currently, we do not offer the option to pick up orders in stores, as we do not operate our own branches in Europe. However, we are working on creating an option in the future that will allow you to conveniently pick up your order at your trusted pharmacy.

What payment methods are accepted?

We offer various payment options to make your purchase as convenient as possible. Accepted payment methods include credit card, PayPal, and bank transfer. Simply choose the payment method that suits you best during the ordering process.

Shipping & Returns

Below are some common questions about shipping, returns, and exchanges

How long does shipping take?

Your order is typically delivered within 2 to 4 business days, depending on the destination country. We usually ship on the day of the order or at the latest on the next business day.

What are the shipping costs?

The shipping costs are €3.90 per order. If you buy a second product or more, we will cover the entire shipping costs.

Can I order from another country in the EU and what about customs costs?

Within the EU, you can order without incurring customs charges. For orders outside the EU, please contact our customer service for separate shipping costs.

Are orders from non-EU countries possible?

Yes, orders from non-EU countries are possible. Please visit our international online store or contact our customer service in advance to clarify separate shipping costs.

Can I exchange or return products?

Yes, all products can be returned within 30 days without any reason, provided they are in their original packaging and unopened, after which a refund will be issued.

Do I receive a return label for the return of the goods?

No, as a customer, you are responsible for returning the goods to us on your own. Once the goods have arrived and everything has been found to be in order, the purchase amount will be refunded to you.

Important: Keep the shipping receipt of your return until the refund has been processed. This serves as proof in case there are any discrepancies.

Didn’t find your answer?

Don't hestitate to contact us