1. Absorption and Effect
- Question: Why do I need to take Artemisia annua capsules with cooking oil?
- Answer: The Artemisia annua extract is lipophilic. Taking it with cooking oil or low-fat yogurt increases the bioavailability of the extract in the body.
2. Color of the Extract
- Question: Why is the content of the Artemisia annua capsules brown and not green?
- Answer: The color can be influenced by extraction methods, concentration, natural variations, and oxidation. Brown does not indicate poor quality.
3. Source:
- Question: Where does the one-year-old mugwort used in Artemisia annua capsules come from?
- Answer: The source comes from our own cultivation areas and from European farmers.
4. Difference from Artemisinin Capsules
- Question: What is the difference between Artemisia annua and Artemisinin capsules?
- Answer: Artemisia annua capsules contain the dried plant, while Artemisinin capsules contain a concentrated active ingredient.
5. Recommended Consumption
- Question: What is the recommended dosage for Artemisia annua capsules and Artemisinin?
- Answer: Artemisia annua capsules as a dietary supplement should be taken once daily, 3 capsules each; for phytotherapy, twice daily, 4 capsules. Artemisinin capsules should be taken once daily, 1 capsule each.
6. Combination with Iron Supplements
- Question: Should iron be taken with Artemisia annua or Artemisinin?
- Answer: Yes: Iron should be given before starting the treatment, not simultaneously, as this can impair the effect.
7. Side Effects and Safety
- Question: Are there any side effects from taking Artemisia annua and Artemisinin?
- Answer: Prolonged use may lead to toxic effects. Therefore, the maximum duration of intake should not exceed 3 weeks.
8. Duration of Intake and Breaks
- Question: How long can Artemisia annua and Artemisinin be safely taken
- Answer: The maximum duration of intake is 3 weeks without interruption, followed by a 7-10 day break for regeneration and flushing out dead cell residues.
9. Iron Supplementation
- Question: Which iron supplementation is recommended before starting phytotherapy with Artemisia annua and Artemisinin?
- Answer: Before starting phytotherapy with Artemisia annua and Artemisinin, taking iron bisglycinate chelate is recommended, as this preparation enables effective absorption in the body due to its high concentration of iron ions and is largely free from the typical problems of simple iron supplements.
10. Taking Iron Supplements
- Question: How should the intake of iron supplements in combination with Artemisia annua and Artemisinin be structured, and what should be particularly considered regarding the duration and breaks of iron intake?
- Answer: If you wish to take an iron supplement in combination with Artemisia annua and Artemisinin, you should take the iron supplement about one week before starting the treatment and then take a break to eliminate excess iron ions in the body. The specific recommendation for taking the iron supplement includes a duration of at least one week with a subsequent two-day break before starting the therapy with Artemisia annua and Artemisinin.
11. Additional Information
- Question: Are any interactions between Artemisia annua and Artemisinin products and medications known?
- Answer: Currently, no interactions with medications, dietary supplements, or other products are known.
12. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
- Note: The use of Artemisia annua and Artemisinin is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the active ingredients, especially Artemisinin, can have severe toxic effects on the fetus.